Heinrich U.R., Brieger J., Stauber R.H., Mann, W.J.
Mögliche molekulare Mechanismen einer Spontanremission nach Hörsturz.
[Possible molecular mechanisms of spontaneous remission in sudden idiopathic hearing loss].[Article in German].
HNO 2011, 59(11):1103-10.

Tenzer S., Docter D., Rosfa S., Wlodarski A., Kuharev J., Rekik A., Knauer S.K., Bantz C., Nawroth T., Bier C., Sirirattanapan J., Mann W., Treuel L., Zellner R., Maskos M., Schild H., Stauber R.H.
Nanoparticle size is a critical physicochemical determinant of the human blood plasma corona - A comprehensive quantitative proteomic analysis.
ACS Nano 2011, 5(9):7155-67.

Knauer S.K., Fetz V., Rabenstein J., Hofmann B., Sabiani S., Schröder E., Kunst L., Proschak E., Thines E., Kindler T., Schneider G., Marschalek R., Stauber R.H., Bier C.
Bioassays to monitor Taspase1 function for the identification of pharmacogenetic inhibitors.
PLoS ONE 2011, 6(5):e18253, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018253.

Bier C., Knauer S.K., Docter D., Schneider G., Krämer O.H., Stauber R.H.
The Importin-alpha/Nucleophosmin switch controls Taspase1 protease function.
Traffic 2011, 12(6):703-14.

Pless B., Oehm C., Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H., Dingermann, T., Marschalek R.
The heterodimerization domains of MLL - FYRN and FYRC - are potential target structures in t(4;11) leukemia.
Leukemia 2011, 25(4):663-70.

Bier C., Knauer S.K., Klapthor A., Schweitzer A., Rekik A., Krämer O.H., Marschalek R., Stauber R.H.
Cell-based analysis of structure-function activity of Threonine Aspartase 1.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011, 286(4):3007-17.

Kasper J., Hermanns M.I., Bantz C., Maskos M., Stauber R., Pohl C., Unger R.E., Kirkpatrick J.C.
Inflammatory and cytotoxic responses of an alveolar-capillary coculture model to silica nanoparticles: comparison with conventional monocultures.

Part Fibre Toxicol. 2011, 8(1):6.

Luthringer B., Isbert S., Müller W.E.G., Zilberberg C., Thakur N.L., Wörheide G., Stauber R.H., Kelve M., Wiens M.
Poriferan survivin exhibits ac onserved regulatory role in the interconnected pathways of cell cycle and apoptosis.
Cell Death and Differentiation 2011, 18(2):201-13.


Maskos M., Stauber R.H.
Characterization of Nanoparticles in Biological Environments.
In: P. Ducheyne, K.E. Healy, D.W. Hutmacher, D.W. Grainger, C.J. Kirkpatrick (eds.) Comprehensive Biomaterials, vol. 3, pp. 329-339 Elsevier.


Research Highlights - on ACS Nano http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/nn201950e (2011)
Chun A.L.
Protein Corona - Particle size matters
Nature Nanotechnology 2011, doi:10.1038/nnano.2011.177, epub 07 October 2011


Habtemichael N., Wünsch D., Bier C., Tillmann S., Unruhe B., Frauenknecht K., Heinrich U.R., Mann W.J., Stauber R.H., Knauer S.K.
Cloning and functional charcterization of the guinea pig apoptosis inhibitor protein Survivin.
Gene 2010, 469(1-2):9–17

Habtemichael N., Heinrich U.R., Knauer S.K., Schmidtmann I., Bier C., Docter D., Brochhausen C., Helling K., Brieger J., Stauber R.H., Mann W.J.
Expression analysis suggests a potential cytoprotective role of Birc5 in the inner ear.
Mol Cell Neurosci 2010, 45(3):297-305.

Knauer S.K., Heinrich U.R., Habtemichael N., Docter D., Helling K., Mann W.J., Stauber R.H.
An otoprotective role for the apoptosis inhibitor protein survivin.
Cell Death and Disease 2010, 1(7):e51.


Stauber R.H., Wünsch D., Knauer S.K., Fetz V.
An update on the pathobiological relevance of nuclear receptors for cancers of the head and neck.
Histol Histopathol 2010, 25:1093-104.

Schweitzer A., Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H.
Nuclear receptors in head and neck cancer: Current knowledge and perspectives.
Int J Cancer 2010, 126(4):801-9.


PDF Fetz V., Knauer S.K.*, Bier C., v. Kries J.P., Stauber R.H.*
Translocation biosensors – cellular system integrators to dissect CRM1-dependent nuclear export by chemicogenomics.
Sensors 2009, 9(7):5423-45. *, equal author correspondence.

PDF Engels K., du Bois A., Harter P., Fisseler-Eckhoff A., Kommoss F., Stauber R.H., Kaufmann M., Nekljudova V., Loibl S.
VEGF-A and iNOS expression are prognostic factors in serous epithelial ovarian carcinomas after complete surgical resection.
J Clin Path 2009, 62: 448 - 454.

PDF Krämer O.H., Knauer S.K., Greiner G., Jandt E., Reichardt S., Gührs K.H., Stauber R.H., Böhmer F.D., Heinzel T.
A phosphorylation-acetylation switch regulates STAT1 signaling.
Genes Dev 2009, 23(2):223-35.

Fetz V., Bier C., Habtemichael N., Schuon R., Schweitzer A., Kunkel M., Engels K., Kovács A.F., Schneider S., Mann W., Stauber R.H., Knauer S.K.
Inducible NO synthase confers chemoresistance in head and neck cancer by modulating survivin.
Int J Cancer 2009, 124(9):2033-41.

Pautz A., Linker K., Altenhöfer S., Heil S., Schmidt N., Art J., Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H., Sadri N., Pont A., Schneider R.J., Kleinert H.
Similar regulation of human inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression by different isoforms of the RNA binding protein AUF1.
J Biol Chem 2009, 284(5):2755-66.

PDF Engels K., Stauber R. H., Magnussen H., Wirtz H., Kirsten D., Watz H.
Angiomyolipomas are an indicator lesion for sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis in women.
Eur Urol 2009, 55(3):533-760755-56.


Knauer S.K.
Prognostic and therapeutic potential of nuclear receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
J Oncol. 2009, 2009:349205, Epub 2009 Sep 24.

Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H.
Kontroverse im „Nanohype“: Nanopartikel – Freund oder Feind?
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Klinische Forschung DZKF 2009, Heft 05/06:1-7.


PDF Engels K., Knauer S.K., Loibl S., Fetz V., Harter P., Schweitzer A., Fisseler-Eckhoff A., Kommoss F., Hanker L., Nekljudova V., Hermanns I., Kleinert H., Mann W., du Bois A., Stauber R.H.
NO signaling confers cytoprotectivity through the survivin network in ovarian carcinomas.
Cancer Res 2008, 68(13):5159-66.

PDF Garzia L., D’Angelo A., Amoresano A., Knauer S.K., Campanella C., Cirulli C., Stauber R.H., Iolascon A., Zollo M.
Phosphorylation of nm23H1 by CKI induces complex formation with h-prune and promotes cell motility.
Oncogene 2008, 27(13):1853-64.


Krämer O.H., Zimmermann D., Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H., Heinzel T.
Histone deacetylase inhibitors and hydroxyurea modulate the cell cycle and cooperatively induce apoptosis.
Oncogene 2008, 27(6):732-40.


PDF Schweitzer A., Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H.
Therapeutic potential of nuclear receptors.
Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, 2008, 18(8):861-88.


PDF Knauer S.K., Bier C., Schlag P., Dietmaier W., Rödel F., Klein-Hitpass L., Kovács A.F., Döring C., Hansmann M.-L., Lippert B., Hofmann W.-K., Kunkel M., Brochhausen C., Engels K., Mann W., Stauber R.H.
The survivin splice variant survivin-3B is cytoprotective and can function as a chromosomal passenger complex protein.
Cell Cycle 2007, 6(12):1502-9.

PDF Seil I., Frei C., Sültmann H., Engels K., Knauer S.K., Jäger E., Zatloukal K., Knuth A., Moch H., Varga Z., Jungbluth A., Pfreundschuh M., Old LJ., Chen Y-T., Jäger D., Stauber R.H.
The differentiation antigen NY-BR-1 is a potential target for antibody based therapies in breast cancer.
Int J Cancer 2007, 120(12):2635-42.

PDF Knauer S.K., Krämer O.H., Knösel T., Engels K., Rödel F., Kovács A.F., Dietmaier W., Klein-Hitpass L., Habtemichael N., Schweitzer A., Brieger J., Rödel C., Mann W., Petersen I., Heinzel T., Stauber R.H.
Nuclear export is essential for the tumor promoting activity of survivin.
FASEB J 2007, 21(1):207-16.

PDF Engels K.*, Knauer S.K.*, Metzler D., Simf C., Struschka O., Bier C., Mann W., Hansmann M.L., Kovács A.F., Stauber R.H.
Dynamic Intracellular Survivin as an Early Prognostic Marker in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas – Underlying Molecular Mechanism and Potential.
J Pathol 2007, 211(5):532-40.*, authors contributed equally to this work.


PDF Capalbo G., Rödel C., Stauber R.H., Knauer S.K., Bache M., Kappler M., Rödel F.
The Role of Survivin for Radiation Therapy: Prognostic and Predictive Factor and Therapeutic Target.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2007, 183(11):593-9.

PDF Stauber R.H., Mann W., Knauer S.K.
Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Survivin: Molecular Mechanism, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Potential.
Cancer Res 2007, 67(13):5999-6002.

PDF Lippert B.M.*, Knauer S.K.,* Fetz V., Mann W., Stauber R.H.
Double duty of dynamic survivin in head and neck cancer: Molecular mechanism and therapeutic potential.
Int J Cancer 2007, 121(6):1169-74. *, authors contributed equally to this work.

PDF Knauer S.K., Mann W., Stauber R.H.
Survivin's Dual Role - An Export's View.
Cell Cycle 2007, 6(5):518-21.


PDF Knauer S.K., Bier C., Habtemichael N., Stauber R.H.
The Survivin-Crm1 interaction is essential for chromosomal passenger complex localization and function.
EMBO Rep 2006, 7(12):1259-65.

PDF Stauber R.H, Rabenhorst U., Rekik A., Engels K., Bier C., Knauer S.K.
Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and the biological activity of mouse survivin are regulated by an active nuclear export signal.
Traffic 2006, 7(11):1461-72.

PDF Krämer O.H., Baus D., Knauer S.K., Stein S., Jäger E., Stauber R.H., Grez M., Pfitzner E., Heinzel T.
Acetylation of Stat1 modulates NF-kB activity.
Genes Dev 2006, 20(4):473-85.

PDF Dälken B., Giesübel U., Knauer S.K., Wels W.S.
Targeted induction of apoptosis by chimeric granzyme B fusion proteins carrying antibody and growth factor domains for cell recognition.
Cell Death Differ 2005, 13(4):576–585.


PDF Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H.
Development of an autofluorescent translocation biosensor system to investigate protein-protein interactions in living cells.
Anal Chem 2005, 77(15):4815-20.

PDF Knauer S.K., Moodt S., Berg T., Liebel U., Pepperkok R., Stauber R.H.
Translocation Biosensors To Study Signal Specific Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Transport, Protease Activity & Protein Interactions.
Traffic 2005, 6(7):594-606.

PDF Knauer S.K., Carra G., Stauber R.H.
Nuclear Export Is Evolutionarily Conserved in CVC Paired-Like Homeobox Proteins and Influences Protein Stability, Transcriptional Activation, and Extracellular Secretion.
Mol Cell Biol 2005, 25(7):2573-82.

PDF Schlingemann J., Habtemichael N., Ittrich C., Toedt G., Kramer H., Hambek M., Knecht R., Lichter P., Stauber R., Hahn M.
Patient-based cross-platform comparison of oligonucleotide microarray expression profiles.
Lab Invest 2005, 85(8):1024-39.


PDF Stelz G., Rücker E., Rosorius O., Meyer G., Stauber R.H., Spatz M.,  Eibl M.M., Hauber J.
Identification of Two Nuclear Import Signals in the a-Gene Product ICP22 of Herpes Simplex Virus1.
Virology 2002, 295:360–70

PDF Münch J., Ständker L., Pöhlmann S., Baribaud F., Papkalla A., Rosorius O., Stauber R., Sass G., Heveker N., Adermann K., Escher S., Klüver E., Doms R.W., Forssmann W., Kirchhoff F.
Hemofiltrate CC Chemokine 1[9-74] Causes Effective Internalization of CCR5 and Is a Potent Inhibitor of R5-Tropic Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Strains in Primary T Cells and Macrophages.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2002, 46(4):982–90.


PDF Kino T., Stauber R.H., Resau J.H., Pavlakis G.N., Chrousos G.P.
Pathologic human GR mutant has a transdominant negative effect on the wild-type GR by inhibiting its translocation into the nucleus: importance of the ligand-binding domain for intracellular GR trafficking.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001, 86(11):5600-8.

PDF Endter C.,  Kzhyshkowska J.,  Stauber R. H., Wolf H., Dobner T. 
SUMO-1 modification required for transformation by adenovirus type 5 early 1B 55-kDa oncoprotein.
Proc Natl Acad Sci 2001, U S A 98 (11312-7).

PDF Heger P., Lohmaier J., Schneider G., Schweimer K.,  Stauber R. H.
Qualitative highly divergent nuclear export signals can regulate export by the competition for transport cofactors in vivo.
Traffic 2001, 2 (544-55).

PDF Kzhyshkowska J., Schütt H.,  Liss M., Kremmer E.,  Stauber R. H.,  Wolf H., Dobner T.
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein E1B-AP5 is methylated in its Arg-Gly-Gly (RGG) box and interacts with human arginine methyltransferase HRMT1L1.
Biochem J 2001, 358 (305-14).

PDF Dosch T., Horn F., Schneider G., Krätzer F., Dobner T., Hauber J., Stauber R.H.
The adenovirus type 5 e1b-55k oncoprotein actively shuttles in virus-infected cells, whereas transport of e4orf6 is mediated by a crm1-independent mechanism.
J Virol 2001, 75(12):5677-83.

PDF Hofmann W., Reichart B., Ewald A., Müller E., Schmitt I., Stauber R.H., Lottspeich F., Jockusch B.M., Scheer U., Hauber J., Debauvalle M.C.
Cofactor requirements for nuclear export of Rev response element (RRE)- and constitutive transport element (CTE)-containing retroviral RNAs. An unexpected role for actin.
J Cell Biol 2001, 152(5):895-910.

PDF Stauber R.H., Krätzer F., Schneider G., Hirschmann N., Hauber J., Rosorius O.
Investigation of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport using UV-guided microinjection.
J Cell Biochem 2001, 80(3):388-96.

PDF Rücker E., Schneider G., Steinhäuser K., Löwer R., Hauber J., Stauber R.H.
Rapid evaluation and optimization of recombinant protein production using GFP tagging.
Protein Expr Purif 2001, 21(1):220-3.


PDF Stauber R. H., Groner B.
"Krebsforschung im Rahmen des Nationalen Genomforschungsprojekts: Das NGFN-Krebsnetz"
GenomXpress, 04/2001, 18-20.


Stauber R. H.
"Analysis of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport using GFP"
in Green Fluorescent Proteins: Methods and Protocols (Hicks, B. W., ed.). 2001, pp. 170-182.
The Humana Press Inc., Totowa.

Stauber R. H.
"Methods and assays to investigate nuclear export"
in Nuclear Export of Viral RNAs (Vogt, P.K. & Hauber, J., eds.). 2001, pp. 90-102.


PDF Rosorius O., Fries B., Stauber R.H., Hirschmann N., Bevec D., Hauber J.
Human ribosomal protein L5 contains defined nuclear localization and export signals.
J Biol Chem 2000, 275(16):12061-8.

PDF Flory E., Kunz M., Scheller C., Jassoy C., Stauber R., Rapp U.R., Ludwig S.
Influenza virus-induced NF-kappaB-dependent gene expression is mediated by overexpression of viral proteins and involves oxidative radicals and activation of IkappaB kinase.
J Biol Chem 2000, 275(12):8307-14.

PDF Krätzer F., Rosorius O., Heger P., Hirschmann N., Dobner T., Hauber J., Stauber R.H.
The adenovirus type 5 E1B-55K oncoprotein is a highly active shuttle protein and shuttling is independent of E4orf6, p53 and Mdm2.
Oncogene 2000, 19(7):850-7.



Rosorius O., Heger P., Stelz G., Hirschmann N., Hauber J., Stauber R.H.
Direct observation of nucleocytoplasmic transport by microinjection of GFP-tagged proteins in living cells.
Biotechniques 1999, 27(2):350-5.

PDF Heger P., Rosorius O., Hauber J., Stauber R.H.
Titration of cellular export factors, but not heteromultimerization, is the molecular mechanism of trans-dominant HTLV-1 rex mutants.
Oncogene 1999, 18(28):4080-90.

PDF Stauber R.H., Rulong S., Palm G., Tarasova N.I.
Direct visualization of HIV-1 entry: mechanisms and role of cell surface receptors.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1999, 258(3):695-702.

PDF Kino T., Gragerov A., Kopp J.B., Stauber R.H., Pavlakis G.N., Chrousos G.P.
The HIV-1 virion-associated protein vpr is a coactivator of the human glucocorticoid receptor.
J Exp Med 1999, 189(1):51-62.

PDF Lee S., Neumann M., Stearman R., Stauber R., Pause A., Pavlakis G.N., Klausner R.D.
Transcription-dependent nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking is required for the function of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein.
Mol Cell Biol 1999, 19(2):1486-97.


PDF Stauber R.H., Pavlakis G.N.
Intracellular trafficking and interactions of the HIV-1 Tat protein.
Virology 1998, 252(1):126-36.

PDF Stauber R.H., Afonina E., Gulnik S., Erickson J., Pavlakis G.N.
Analysis of intracellular trafficking and interactions of cytoplasmic HIV-1 Rev mutants in living cells.
Virology 1998, 251(1):38-48.

PDF Tarasova N.I., Stauber R.H., Michejda C.J.
Spontaneous and ligand-induced trafficking of CXC-chemokine receptor 4.
J Biol Chem 1998, 273(26):15883-6.

PDF Afonina E., Stauber R., Pavlakis G.N.
The human poly(A)-binding protein 1 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
J Biol Chem 1998, 273(21):13015-21.

PDF Stauber R.H., Horie K., Carney P., Hudson E.A., Tarasova N.I., Gaitanaris G.A., Pavlakis G.N.
Development and applications of enhanced green fluorescent protein mutants.
Biotechniques 1998, 24(3):462-6, 468-71.


PDF Tarasova N.I., Stauber R.H., Choi J.K., Hudson E.A., Czerwinski G., Miller J.L., Pavlakis G.N., Michejda C.J., Wank S.A.
Visualization of G protein-coupled receptor trafficking with the aid of the green fluorescent protein. Endocytosis and recycling of cholecystokinin receptor type A.
J Biol Chem 1997, 272(23):14817-24.

PDF Palm G.J., Zdanov A., Gaitanaris G.A., Stauber R., Pavlakis G.N., Wlodawer A.
The structural basis for spectral variations in green fluorescent protein.
Nat Struct Biol 1997, 4(5):361-5.

PDF Taylor G.A., Stauber R., Rulong S., Hudson E., Pei V., Pavlakis G.N., Resau J.H., Vande Woude G.F.
The inducibly expressed GTPase localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum, independently of GTP binding.
J Biol Chem 1997, 272(16):10639-45.


Stauber R. H., Gaitanaris G. A., Pavlakis G. N.
A Dual Color Screening System in Molecular Biology: Green and Blue Autofluorescent Proteins - Ideas and Applications.
Quantum Notes 1996, 1, #2: 1.


PDF Stauber R., Gaitanaris G.A., Pavlakis G.N.
Analysis of trafficking of Rev and transdominant Rev proteins in living cells using green fluorescent protein fusions: transdominant Rev blocks the export of Rev from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
Virology 1995, 213(2):439-49.


PDF Stauber R., Pfleiderer M., Siddell S.
Proteolytic cleavage of the murine coronavirus surface glycoprotein is not required for fusion activity.
J Gen Virol 1993, 74(Pt 2):183-91.

Stauber R., Pfleiderer M., Siddell S.
Proteolytic cleavage of the murine coronavirus surface glycoprotein is not required for its fusion activity.
Adv Exp Med Biol 1993, 342:165-70.


PDF Routledge E., Stauber R., Pfleiderer M., Siddell S.G.
Analysis of murine coronavirus surface glycoprotein functions by using monoclonal antibodies.
J Virol 1991, 65(1):254-62.


G. N. Pavlakis, G. A. Gaitanaris, R. H. Stauber and J. N. Vournakis. 
Mutant Aequorea Victoria Fluorescent Proteins Having Increased Cellular Fluorescence. 

U.S Patent No.: 6,265,548.


Pavlakis G. N., Stauber R. H. 
"Regulatory Proteins of HIV-1"
in Human Immunodeficiency Viruses: Biology, Immunology and Molecular Biology (Saksena, N., ed.) pp. 103-122. 
Medical SystemsSpA, Genova.

Tarasova N.I., Stauber R. H., Wank S.A. 
"Characterization of receptor trafficking with green fluorescent protein" 
in Regulation of G-protein-coupled receptor function and expression (Benovic, J.L., ed.), pp. 253-272.
Wiley-Liss, New York.

Stauber R., Pfleiderer M., Siddell S. 1993. 
"Proteolytic cleavage of the murine coronavirus surface glycoprotein is not required for fusion activity"  
in Coronaviruses: Molecular Biology and Virus-Host Interactions (H. Laude and J. Vautherot; ed.), pp. 165-170.
Plenum Press, New York.

Siddell S. G., Stauber R., Routledge E., Pfleiderer M. 1990. 
"Functional Analysis of Coronavirus MHV-JHM Surface Glycoprotein" 
in New Aspects of Positive Strand RNA Viruses (M. A. Brinton and F. X. Heinz; ed.), pp. 287-293. 
ASM Press, Washington.